Monday, June 28, 2010

Enough Arms or Time

Oh how I wish there were more hours in the day or even just minutes. There are so many things I need to get done either in or outside the house. I did accomplish something today: I learned how to install a new toilet seat. And also learned that yesterday when I took off the toilet seat I made it way to complicated to take off.

I love my son, but he prevents from getting so much done around the house. He will cry if he doesn't get to nap in my arms, but I hate it when he cries. So I give in to what he wants, mommy!

So much needed items that need to get done around the house:
  1. take the growing trees out of the gutters
  2. put a nice fence and division between the garden and the yard, so the rabbits don't get killed by me going crazy from them eating my vegetation
  3. buy more bricks for around the strawberries & blackberries
  4. clip the dead branches in the tree
  5. file my 2 years of school papers
  6. vacuum the entire house
  7. clean & sanitize the kitchen counters
  8. clean & sanitize the bathrooms
My question of the day is: how do moms keep the house clean, their kids happy (napping in their own beds), and their husbands happy too?

I need more energy or more arms. Not sure which?


  1. When you figure it out, let me know! I think it comes back gradually and when your nest is empty you'll wish you didn't have so much time... or so I'm told. An old lady once encouraged me to be grateful for all of the dishes and laundry because I have mouths to feed and the means to do so and bodies to clothe and we are blessed with way too much clothing. It was a good reminder... one that I often need.
